Friday 1 April 2011

Giants Causeway Tours Gave An Excellent Insight Into Some Fantastic Irish Legends.

For anyone interested in myths and legends, Giants Causeway tours are a must. Sited off the north coast of Antrim in Ireland, the Giants Causeway almost appears as if the stories could rain accurate.

Different cultures from around the globe are rife with enthralling mythology, most dating back hundreds of years. They tell of all types of regional tales, and make very interesting listening. Stories of ghosts, fairies and of course giants line Ireland’s mythology.

Finn was a giant who lived in County Antrim with his wife Oonagh. Far away on the coast of Scotland there was another giant named Benandonner. Finn and Benandonner decided they would have a fight to determine who was the more sturdy, frightening giant, so Finn constructed a bridge over the sea from Antrim to Staffa in Scotland. Upon completion, the tired Finn fell asleep. Meanwhile, Benandonner came looking for his brawl. After seeing that Benandonner was much bigger than the sleeping Finn, Oonagh covered her husband in a blanket, and muted the giant so as not to wake her sleeping baby. Benandonner fled in terror; if Finn’s child was this big, how big must he himself be? He dismantled the causeway so Finn could not persue him to Scotland and demand the contest.

It is made all the more convincing as Staffa is occupied with its own matching rock formations.

This legend was believed for just over a century, as no other justification could be thought of as to how the flawless hexagonal rocks were formed. However, in 1771, a Frenchman established the rocks to be the result of volcanic action.

The myths stay enjoyable and engaging, and just the justification needed to explore tours of Giants Causeway with your own eyes.

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